Refinish Support
Your connection to technical expertise
We created this supercharged single point of contact to make it easier than ever for Axalta refinish customers in the United States and Canada to get the technical support they need as quickly as possible.
Whether you have a simple request for documents, color or technical information, need help using ColorNet®, have questions about shop equipment, or have a more complex technical issue that may require an on-site visit, Axalta is here to help.
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Our Experts Are Ready To Help:

Call us at 1 800 668 6945.
Best option when you need an answer immediately.
1 800 668 6945
Mon - Fri, 8am to 6pm ET.
Technical Center:
Click here to find documents such as: Standard Operating Procedures, General Procedures, Toner Movement Charts, Mixing Machine Configuration, Individual TDS’s and SDS’s.
Click here to take Refinish Support with you.
Scan it, open the link and save the page to your mobile phone home screen.