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Tinting Charts designed for speed and accuracy.

Tinting Charts contain color wheels, color chips, tint codes, color name, as well as direction and/or shading information to help you accurately match colors faster and easier. Color chips are arranged by color family so you can find the color you need quickly and keep productivity high.

Color Wheels represent where base colorants (toners) reside in color space. Plotted charts help you see the specific color space and direction that a given tint will move a color, based on whether it is a solid color or an effect color. In general, you should try to adjust color with tints found in the given formula; however, in some cases it may be necessary to utilize another tint that will move you in the right direction to shade a color. The Color Wheels give you quick access to the information you need to know so you can adjust the color with ease and confidence.

Tinting Guides contain a listing of all base colorants (toners) with written and graphic descriptions for use in tinting formulas. The tinting chart is arranged in a grouping format for easier use in tint selection. The center chip is the tint shown at full strength. The chip on the far left represents the let-down of the tint in white and, where applicable, the right chip is the let-down of the chip in effect. The let-down allows you to see the color direction that the particular tint will move as it is added to the formula. Below each tint code and color name are the direction and/or shading information for the specific tint use. Tinting Guides help you match the shade of the repair area to the current state of the factory finish for a seamless appearance.