Policies & Accreditations

Axalta thermoplastic powder coatings is committed to providing products and services which meet customer’s needs. We aim to be the first choice of our customers by delivering products and services of uncompromising quality. Achievement of objectives is monitored. Good relationships with customers and suppliers of goods and services are regarded as important. The Quality Management System is regularly reviewed by the management, to ensure continuing suitability and statutory and regulatory requirements are fulfilled. Continual improvement is sought, and quality objectives are reviewed. This is achieved by ensuring that all employees understand their responsibilities relating to the Quality Management System and by ensuring that resources are available to meet customer needs. Every employee is responsible for quality.


9001:2015 quality accreditation

Plascoat Systems is certified according to ISO9001:2015 for both company sites, Farnham and Zuidland.

We Are Members of the Following Professional Bodies