Refinish Customers

The art of vehicle refinishing demands the very best products and a commitment to total customer support. At Axalta, our close interactions with our customers provides us with the information we need to continuously innovate. From coating systems offering an array of paint colors and tints to color matching and application know-how, the refinish craft requires a blend of skills that must come together to provide a result that meets customer approval each and every time. 

Our refinish products -- ranging from surface preparation to undercoats, basecoats and high gloss clearcoats -- are each formulated to meet the needs of body shops operating in different climates and coating different substrates such as metals, plastic and the newest composite materials. Our latest third-generation waterborne coatings are designed to meet stringent environmental standards while providing better coverage with fewer coats than conventional products.

Axalta Irus Mix

Irus Mix

To answer the call for a better way of doing business, we developed Axalta Irus. The most advanced, fully automated, and integrated digitized color management process in the world.

Just Scan. Match. And Mix. All completely digitally.

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Explore Axalta's Refinish Brands