Alesta® High Temperature

Silicone Powder Coatings

Alesta® High Temperature silicone powder coatings beautify and protect surfaces exposed to prolonged temperatures that reach up to 1000°F, depending on the product. It provides excellent color and gloss stability, resists de-lamination and cracking and protects from pre-mature corrosion. 



Alesta High-Temperature powder coating products beautify and protect. 

  • Excellent color and gloss stability
  • Resists de-lamination and cracking when exposed to high temperatures
  • Protects from premature corrosion


Ideal applications for high temp powder coating:

  • Exterior surfaces of outdoor barbecue grills
  • Engine exhausts components
  • Auto parts
  • Outdoor furnaces
  • Agriculture and Construction Equipment (ACE) components


*For applications not listed above consult TDS.